Higher Degree by Research Students

Successfully completing a Higher Degree by Research can be a daunting process.

Unlike undergraduate degrees, the HDR experience requires high levels of self-reliance. This information is provided to help you manage your candidature and complete your HDR on time.


The primary means of communication between HDR students and the School is by email. The School sends emails to your UQ student email account, and it is your responsibility to manage and regularly access your student email account.  

You can contact the Graduate School's HDR Liaison team by email at hdr.music@enquire.uq.edu.au or by phone at +61 7 3443 1192.

HDR students in the School have created a Facebook group that you can join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/295523627789538

Managing your Candidature

The Graduate School provides general information on candidature, student support, scholarships, career development support, and other aspects of your HDR candidature.

The Graduate School uses a number of systems to digitise and streamline HDR progression and administration. The HDR systems training hub provides resources for candidates and advisors on how to use these systems.

The School provides office space for HDR students (including a desktop computer) on request, subject to availability of desk space. Please contact the School Manager at musicmanager@uq.edu.au to apply for office space.

The School of Music provides scholarships to support students with their projects, including research support for all confirmed HDR students.

As an HDR student, you may find it necessary to make changes to the nature of your candidature, such as a change in status from full to part time or vice versa, a temporary leave of absence, the addition of course work, and so on. Please consult with your advisors and the School's HDR Director before making any changes.

Progress Reviews

HDR candidate progression at UQ is supported by a sequence of activities that include:

  • an Early Candidature Checkpoint (ECC)
  • 3 Progress Reviews

These are designed to assist your development and support you to successfully complete and submit your thesis within the expected timeframe.

All HDR students at UQ complete the same sequence of activities, which are implemented differently in every School as appropriate to the kind of research encountered in specific fields of study and disciplines. Please review the School of Music Progress Review Guidelines at the beginning of your candidature and as you prepare for each of your reviews.

HDR Seminars

The School has a weekly Honours seminar series that provides opportunities for HDR students and academic staff to share knowledge in a productive and supportive environment. Giving a presentation to this forum may be part of the evidence you provide as part of a progress review. The series also includes specialist workshops, work-in-progress sessions, Three-Minute Thesis heats, guest lectures, and so on.