

  • Professor Liam Viney

    Piano Performance Fellow
    Head of School
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

    Associate Professor Denis Collins

    Associate Professor in Musicology
    Deputy Head of School
    School of Music

    Ms Doretta Balkizas

    Lecturer in Violin
    School of Music

    Associate Professor Julie Ballantyne

    Director of Higher Degrees by Research
    Associate Professor in Music Education
    Associate Professor
    School of Music

    Associate Professor Katelyn Barney

    Director of Indigenous Engagement
    Affiliate Associate Professor of School of Music
    School of Music
    Associate Professor
    Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)

    Dr Mary Broughton

    Bachelor of Arts (Music Psychology) Minor Convenor
    Senior Lecturer in Music Psychology
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Music

    Dr Shaun Brown

    Director of Performance
    Voice Teacher
    Voice Performance Fellow
    School of Music

    Mrs Sarah Crane

    Voice Teacher
    Casual Academic
    School of Music

    Dr Robert Davidson

    Bachelor of Arts (Music) Major Convenor
    Senior Lecturer in Composition
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Music

    Dr Anna Grinberg

    Bachelor of Music (Honours) Program Convenor
    Integrity Officer
    Instrument Teacher - Piano
    School of Music

    Associate Professor Eve Klein

    Director of Research
    Associate Professor in Music Technology
    Associate Professor
    School of Music

    Mr Dane Lam

    UQ Symphony Orchestra Conductor
    Associate Lecturer Conducting
    School of Music

    Dr Anne Levitsky

    Lecturer in Musicology
    School of Music

    Dr Cory Messenger

    Bachelor of Arts (Popular Music and Technology) Major Convenor
    Associate Lecturer in Popular Music

    Dr Graeme Morton

    Choral Conducting Fellow
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Music

    Mr Patrick Murphy

    Director of Teaching and Learning
    Instrument Teacher - Cello
    Cello Performance Fellow
    School of Music

    Mr Patrick Nolan

    Director of Winds and Brass
    Instrument Teacher - Flute
    Associate Lecturer & Associate Lecturer
    School of Music

    Dr Chris Perren

    Corella Recordings Convenor
    Lecturer in Music Technology

    Dr Simon Perry

    Master of Music Program Convenor
    Lecturer in Musicology
    School of Music

Instrument and Voice Teachers

Casual Teachers

Adjunct and Honorary Staff

Professional Staff