Dalagna, Gilvano, Carvalho, Sara and Welch, Graham F. (2021). Desired artistic outcomes in music performance. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429055300
Book Chapters
Abad, Vicky, Broughton, Mary C., Barrett, Margaret S. and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Building a Profile of Australian Parents’ Musical Beliefs, Values, and Practices. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 266-296) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.18
Barrett, Margaret S. and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Section Introduction : Mapping the Landscapes of Music Early Learning and Development. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 3-4) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.65
Ockelford, Adam and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Section Commentary : Special Musical Abilities and Needs. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 967-968) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.63
Welch, Graham F. and Ockelford, Adam (2023). Section Introduction. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 797-800) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.51
Wu, Yen-Ting and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Early Childhood and Musics of the Diaspora. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 414-438) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.25
Pitt, Jessica and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Music in Early Education and Care Settings for Communication and Language Support. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 351-378) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.22
Barrett, Margaret S., Abad, Vicky and Welch, Graham F. (2023). Researching Music Early Learning and Development : Mapping Methods and Techniques, Locations, Problems, and Theories. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 119-138) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.7
Welch, Graham F. and Barrett, Margaret S. (2023). Future Perspectives. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 971-978) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.61
Abad, Vicky, Welch, Graham F. and Barrett, Margaret S. (2023). Supporting Children Living with Neurodiversity : An Analysis of Access and Engagement in a Community-Based Music Early Learning Program. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music. (pp. 896-912) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.57
Makris, Stavros, Welch, Graham and Himonides, Evangelos (2022). Creativities in music and creativities through music: symbiotic weaknesses in Greek-Cypriot primary education. The Routledge companion to creativities in music education. (pp. 389-403) edited by Clint Randles and Pamela Burnard. New York, NY USA: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003248194-38
Welch, Graham F. (2022). The Musical Key to Babies' Cognitive and Social Development. Contemporary Issues in Perinatal Education. (pp. 66-74) London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003223771-11
Welch, Graham F. (2021). Why the arts and artists are important. The Artist and Academia. (pp. 239-251) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429433917-27
Welch, Graham F. and Preti, Costanza (2019). Singing as inter- and intra-personal communication. The Oxford Handbook of Singing. (pp. 369-392) edited by Welch, Graham F., Howard, David M. and Nix, John. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199660773.013.73
Nair, Garyth, Howard, David M. and Welch, Graham F. (2019). Practical voice analyses and their application in the studio. The Oxford Handbook of Singing. (pp. 1049-1070) edited by Welch, Graham F., Howard, David M. and Nix, John. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199660773.013.56
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2017). Series editors’ preface. Body, sound and space in music and beyond: multimodal explorations. (pp. x-xi) edited by Clemens Wöllner. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315569628
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2017). Series editors’ preface. Music and empathy. (pp. xvi-xvii) edited by Elaine King and Caroline Waddington. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315596587
Owens, Matthew and Welch, Graham F. (2017). Choral pedagogy and the construction of identity. The Oxford handbook of choral pedagogy. (pp. 1-19) edited by Frank Abrahams and Paul D. Head. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199373369.013.9
Zeserson, Katherine and Welch, Graham (2017). Policy and research endeavors. Policy and the Political Life of Music Education. (pp. 65-84) edited by Patrick Schmidt and Richard Colwell. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190246143.003.0005
Odena, Oscar and Welch, Graham (2016). Teachers' perceptions of creativity. Musical creativity: insights from music education research. (pp. 29-48) edited by Oscar Odena. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge / Ashgate Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315596952
Heikkinen, K., Kallonen, T., Paananen, P., Porras, J., Purves, R., Read, J. C., Rinta, T. and Welch, G. (2015). Designing Mobile Applications for Children. User Requirements for Wireless. (pp. 7-25) New York, United States: River Publishers. doi: 10.1201/9781003339977-2
Saunders, Jo, Knight, Julian, Hobsbaum, Angela, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham F. (2014). ‘Literacy through music’ - a multidisciplinary and multilayered creative collaboration. Collaborative Creative Thought and Practice in Music. (pp. 253-268) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315572635-27
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2013). Series editors' preface. Developing the musician: contemporary perspectives on teaching and learning. (pp. xix-xix) edited by Mary Stakelum. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315576855
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2013). Series editors' preface. Collaborative learning in higher music education. (pp. xix-xix) edited by Helena Gaunt and Heidi Westerlund. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315572642
Harrison, Scott D., Welch, Graham F. and Adler, Adam (2012). Men, boys and singing. Perspectives on Males and Singing. (pp. 3-12) Amsterdam, Netherlands : Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-2660-4_1
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2012). Series editors' preface. Musical creativity: insights from music education research. (pp. xix-xix) edited by Oscar Odena. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315596952
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2012). Series editors' preface. The act of musical composition: studies in the creative process. (pp. xvii-xvii) edited by Dave Collins. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315612256
Welch, Graham F. (2012). Musical creativity, biography, genre, and learning. Musical imaginations: multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance and perception. (pp. 1-25) edited by David Hargreaves, Dorothy Miell and Raymond MacDonald. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199568086.003.0024
Welch, Graham F. (2012). Singing and vocal development. The child as musician: a handbook of musical development. (pp. 311-330) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198530329.003.0016
Welch, Graham F., Saunders, Jo, Papageorgi, Ioulia and Himonides, Evangelos (2011). Sex, Gendergender and Singing Development: Making a Positive Difference to Boys’ Singing Through a National Programme in England. Perspectives on Males and Singing. (pp. 27-43) Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-2660-4_3
Welch, Graham F. (2011). Culture and gender in a cathedral music context: An activity theory exploration. A Cultural Psychology of Music Education. (pp. 225-258) edited by Margaret S. Barrett. New York, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199214389.003.0010
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2011). Series editors' preface. New perspectives on music and gesture. (pp. xxiii-xxiii) Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315598048
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2011). Series editors' preface. Advances in social-psychology and music education research. (pp. xix-xix) edited by Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman. Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315565743
Welch, Graham F. and Sundberg, Johan (2011). Solo voice. The science and psychology of music performance: creative strategies for teaching and learning. (pp. 1-23) edited by Richard Parncutt and Gary McPherson. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195138108.003.0016
Welch, Graham (2009). Challenges in storying a musical lifeworld : A commentary. Narrative Inquiry in music education: troubling certainty. (pp. 57-62) edited by Margaret S. Barrett and Sandra Lee Stauffer. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9862-8_6
Welch, Graham and Ockelford, Adam (2008). The role of the institution and teachers in supporting learning. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199298457.013.0029
Welch, Graham F. and Barrett, Margaret S. (2007). Music curriculum. Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia. A-D.. (pp. 198-201) edited by Rebecca S. New and Moncrieff Cochran. Westport, Connecticut, U.S.: Praeger Publishers.
Welch, Graham F. and Barrett, Margaret S. (2007). Curriculum, Music. Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia. (pp. 198-201) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
Welch, Graham F. (2005). Singing as communication. Musical Communication. (pp. 1-28) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198529361.003.0011
Farrell, Gerry, Bhowmick, Jayeeta and Welch, Graham (2004). South Asian music in Britain. Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions. (pp. 104-128) RoutledgeCurzon Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203641903
Journal Articles
Ahokas, J. Riikka, Saarikallio, Suvi, Welch, Graham, Parviainen, Tiina and Louhivuori, Jukka (2024). Rhythm and Reading: Connecting the Training of Musical Rhythm to the Development of Literacy Skills. Early Childhood Education Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10643-024-01654-4
Tang, Eunice S. Y., Griffiths, Austin and Welch, Graham F. (2024). The Impact of Three Key Paradigm Shifts on Disability, Inclusion, and Autism in Higher Education in England: An Integrative Review. Trends in Higher Education, 3 (1), 122-141. doi: 10.3390/higheredu3010007
Ockelford, Adam, Welch, Graham, Hamond, Luciana Fernandes and Fernandes, Camila (2023). Mapeando o desenvolvimento musical em alunos com as necessidades mais complexas: o projeto sounds of intent. Orfeu, 8 (1), e0401. doi: 10.5965/2525530408022023e0401
Welch, Bradley Graeme and Ponce Campuzano, Juan Carlos (2023). Applying matrix diagonalisation in the classroom with GeoGebra: parametrising the intersection of a sphere and plane. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/0020739x.2023.2233513
Yang, Yang and Welch, Graham (2023). A systematic literature review of Chinese music education studies during 2007 to 2019. International Journal of Music Education, 41 (2), 175-198. doi: 10.1177/02557614221096150
Morijiri, Yuki and Welch, Graham F. (2022). Decisions on the quality of piano performance: evaluation of self and others. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 954261, 1-17. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954261
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Saunders, Jo, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham F. (2022). Singing and social identity in young children. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 823229, 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.823229
Wilde, Eva Margaret and Welch, Graham Frederick (2022). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and musical behaviour: the significance of context. Psychology of Music, 50 (6), 030573562210811-1960. doi: 10.1177/03057356221081163
Welch, Graham F. (2022). Reflections on the concept of musical development. British Journal of Music Education, 39 (1), 92-105. doi: 10.1017/s0265051721000310
Saltari, Regina and Welch, Graham (2022). Exploring the culture of Greek children’s musical games in the school playground: an ethnographic study. Research Studies in Music Education, 45 (1), 1321103X2110619-188. doi: 10.1177/1321103X211061978
Ilari, Beatriz, Helfter, Susan, Huynh, Tina, Bowmer, Alice, Mason, Kathryn, Knight, Julian and Welch, Graham (2021). Musical activities, prosocial behaviors, and executive function skills of kindergarten children. Music and Science, 4. doi: 10.1177/20592043211054829
Soares, José and Welch, Graham (2021). The preparation of music teachers in Brazil and England: reflections on teaching practice models. Opus, 27 (3), 1-24. doi: 10.20504/opus2021c2718
Makris, Stavros, Welch, Graham F. and Himonides, Evangelos (2021). Music teachers' perceptions of, and approaches to, creativity in the Greek‐Cypriot primary education. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 56 (1) jocb.518, 92-107. doi: 10.1002/jocb.518
Mason, Kathryn, Bowmer, Alice and Welch, Graham F. (2021). How does task presentation impact motor inhibition performance in young children?. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 684444. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.684444
Hamond, Luciana, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham (2021). A natureza do feedback no ensino e na aprendizagem de piano com o uso de tecnologia digital no ensino superior. Orfeu, 6 (1), 1-31. doi: 10.5965/2525530406012021e0011
Zhukov, Katie, Barrett, Margaret S. and Welch, Graham F. (2021). Developing a child and adolescent chorister engagement survey: probing perceptions of early collective experiences and outcomes. Music and Science, 4, 205920432098321. doi: 10.1177/2059204320983215
Welch, Graham F. (2021). Series editor's preface. Musical Sense-Making, XI-+.
Papageorgi, Ioulia and Welch, Graham F. (2020). "A Bed of Nails": professional musicians' accounts of the experience of performance anxiety from a phenomenological perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 605422. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.605422
Barrett, Margaret S. and Welch, Graham F. (2020). Music early learning programs: enduring outcomes for children and their families. Psychology of Music, 49 (5), 030573562094423-1241. doi: 10.1177/0305735620944232
Hamond, Luciana, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham (2020). The nature of feedback in higher education studio-based piano learning and teaching with the use of digital technology1. Journal of Music Technology and Education, 13 (1), 33-56. doi: 10.1386/jmte_00015_1
Welch, Graham F. (2020). The challenge of ensuring effective early years music education by non-specialists. Early Child Development and Care, 191 (12), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/03004430.2020.1792895
Welch, Graham F., Biasutti, Michele, MacRitchie, Jennifer, McPherson, Gary E. and Himonides, Evangelos (2020). Editorial: The impact of music on human development and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 1246, 1246. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01246
Chua, Siew Ling and Welch, Graham F. (2020). A lifelong perspective for growing music teacher identity. Research Studies in Music Education, 43 (3), 1321103X1987508-346. doi: 10.1177/1321103x19875080
Williams, Jenevora, Welch, Graham F. and Howard, David M. (2020). Which sung pitch range is best for boys during voice change?. The Journal of Voice, 35 (4), 581-588. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.12.002
Barrett, Margaret S., Zhukov, Katie, Brown, Joanne E. and Welch, Graham F. (2020). Evaluating the impact of a generalist teacher-led music program on early childhood school children’s singing skills and attitudes to music. Psychology of Music, 48 (1), 030573561879035-136. doi: 10.1177/0305735618790355
Welch, Graham and Ockeford, Adam (2020). New Approaches in Applied Musicology A Common Framework for Music Education and Psychology Research Introduction. New Approaches in Applied Musicology: a Common Framework for Music Education and Psychology Research, 1-12.
Hamond, Luciana Fernandes, Welch, Graham and Himonides, Evangelos (2019). The pedagogical use of visual feedback for enhancing dynamics in higher education piano learning and performance. OPUS, 25 (3), 581-601. doi: 10.20504/opus2019c2526
Chua, Siew Ling and Welch, Graham Frederick (2019). A quantitative study of experiences impacting music teacher development. Psychology of Music, 49 (3), 1-17. doi: 10.1177/0305735619873387
Barrett, Margaret S., Zhukov, Katie and Welch, Graham F. (2019). Strengthening music provision in early childhood education: a collaborative self-development approach to music mentoring for generalist teachers. Music Education Research, 21 (5), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2019.1647154
Howard, David M., Welch, Graham F., Himonides, Evangelos and Owens, Matthew (2019). The developing female chorister voice: case-study evidence of musical development. Journal of Voice, 33 (4), 516-525. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.01.014
Barrett, Margaret S., Flynn, Libby M., Brown, Joanne E. and Welch, Graham F. (2019). Beliefs and Values About Music in Early Childhood Education and Care: Perspectives From Practitioners. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (APR) 724, 724. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00724
Cuervo, Luciane Da Costa, Welch, Graham Frederick, Maffioletti, Leda De Albuquerque and Reategui, Eliseo (2019). Cultura digital e docência: possibilidades para a educação musical. Acta Scientiarum. Education, 41 (1) e34442, 34442. doi: 10.4025/actascieduc.v41i1.34442
Bowmer, Alice, Mason, Kathryn, Knight, Julian and Welch, Graham (2018). Investigating the impact of a musical intervention on preschool children's executive function. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (DEC) 2389. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02389
Barrett, Margaret S., Flynn, Libby Maree and Welch, Graham F. (2018). Music value and participation: an Australian case study of music provision and support in early childhood education. Research Studies in Music Education, 40 (2), 226-243. doi: 10.1177/1321103X18773098
Welch, Graham, Preti, Costanza and Hamond, Luciana (2018). O canto como comunicação interpessoal e intrapessoal. Orfeu, 3 (1), 197-229. doi: 10.5965/2525530403012018197
Cross, Ian, Küssner, Mats B., Ockelford, Adam and Welch, Graham (2018). Editorial. Music and Science, 1. doi: 10.1177/2059204317752412
Glownia, J. M., Natan, A., Cryan, J. P., Hartsock, R., Kozina, M., Minitti, M. P., Nelson, S., Robinson, J., Sato, T., van Driel, T., Welch, G., Weninger, C., Zhu, D. and Bucksbaum, P. H. (2017). Triggering Processes in Rock Fracture Reply. Physical Review Letters, 119 (6) ARTN 069302. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.069302
Cuervo, Luciane, Welch, Graham Frederick, Maffioletti, Leda De Albuquerque and Reategui, Eliseo (2017). Musicalidade humana sob o prisma cognitivo-evolucionista: Do Homo sapiens ao Homo digitalis. Opus, 23 (2), 216-241. doi: 10.20504/opus2017b2310
Kayes, Gillyanne and Welch, Graham F. (2017). Can genre be “heard” in scale as well as song tasks? An exploratory study of female singing in Western lyric and musical theater styles. Journal of Voice, 31 (3), 388.e1-388.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2016.09.015
Lee, Youngae and Welch, Graham F. (2017). Teachers’ perceptions about the use of background music in preschool free play time. Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, 11 (2), 85-106. doi: 10.17206/apjrece.2017.11.2.85
Zuk, Jennifer, Bishop-Liebler, Paula, Ozernov-Palchik, Ola, Moore, Emma, Overy, Katie, Welch, Graham and Gaab, Nadine (2017). Revisiting the "enigma" of musicians with dyslexia: Auditory sequencing and speech abilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146 (4), 495-511. doi: 10.1037/xge0000281
Viladot, Laia, Hilton, Caroline, Casals, Albert, Saunders, Jo, Carrillo, Carmen, Henley, Jennie, González-Martín, Cristina, Prat, Montserrat and Welch, Graham (2017). The integration of music and mathematics education in Catalonia and England: perspectives on theory and practice. Music Education Research, 20 (1), 71-82. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2017.1290595
Glownia, J. M., Natan, A., Cryan, J. P., Hartsock, R., Kozina, M., Minitti, M. P., Nelson, S., Robinson, J., Sato, T., van Driel, T., Welch, G., Weninger, C., Zhu, D. and Bucksbaum, P. H. (2016). Self-Referenced Coherent Diffraction X-Ray Movie of Angstrom- and Femtosecond-Scale Atomic Motion. Physical Review Letters, 117 (15) ARTN 153003. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.153003
Yang, Yang and Welch, Graham (2016). Pedagogical challenges in folk music teaching in higher education: a case study of Hua'er music in China. British Journal of Music Education, 33 (1), 61-79. doi: 10.1017/S0265051715000248
Welch, G., Frisch, J., Smith, S., Glownia, J. M. and Fry, A. (2016). Optimizing ultrashort laser pulse compression by two photon absorption. Journal of Instrumentation, 11 ARTN P02014. doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/02/P02014
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam and Cross, Ian (2016). Series editors’ preface. Musical Creativity: Insights from Music Education Research.
Welch, Graham F., Saunders, Jo, Edwards, Sian, Palmer, Zoe, Himonides, Evangelos, Knight, Julian, Mahon, Merle, Griffin, Susanna and Vickers, Deborah A. (2015). Using singing to nurture children’s hearing?: a pilot study. Cochlear Implants International, 16 (S3), S63-S70. doi: 10.1179/1467010015Z.000000000276
Yang, Yang, Welch, Graham, Sundberg, Johan and Himonides, Evangelos (2015). Tuning features of Chinese folk song singing: a case study of Hua'er music. Journal of Voice, 29 (4) 1386, 426-432. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.08.013
Demorest, Steven M., Pfordresher, Peter Q., Bella, Simone Dalla, Hutchins, Sean, Loui, Psyche, Rutkowski, Joanne and Welch, Graham F. (2015). Methodological perspectives on singing accuracy: an introduction to the special issue on singing accuracy (part 2). Music Perception, 32 (3), 266-271. doi: 10.1525/MP.2015.32.3.266
Pfordresher, Peter Q., Demorest, Steven M., Dalla Bella, Simone, Hutchins, Sean, Loui, Psyche, Rutkowski, Joanne and Welch, Graham F. (2015). Theoretical perspectives on singing accuracy: an introduction to the special issue on singing accuracy (part 1). Music Perception, 32 (3), 227-231. doi: 10.1525/MP.2015.32.3.227
Williams, Kate E., Barrett, Margaret S., Welch, Graham F., Abad, Vicky and Broughton, Mary (2015). Associations between early shared music activities in the home andlater child outcomes: findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 31 (2), 113-124. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.01.004
Bishop-Liebler, Paula, Welch, Graham, Huss, Martina, Thomson, Jennifer M. and Goswami, Usha (2014). Auditory temporal processing skills in musicians with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 20 (3), 261-279. doi: 10.1002/dys.1479
Welch, Graham F., Himonides, Evangelos, Saunders, Jo, Papageorgi, Ioulia and Sarazin, Marc (2014). Singing and social inclusion. Frontiers in Psychology, 5 803. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00803
Yang, Yang and Welch, Graham (2014). Contemporary challenges in learning and teaching folk music in a higher education context: a case study of Hua'er music. Music Education Research, 16 (2), 193-219. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2013.878324
Welch, Graham and Papageorgi, Ioulia (2014). Advanced Musical Performance: Investigations in Higher Education Learning Preface. Advanced Musical Performance: Investigations in Higher Education Learning, XXVII-XXXII.
Papageorgi, Ioulia and Welch, Graham (2014). How Do Musicians Develop Their Learning about Performance?. Advanced Musical Performance: Investigations in Higher Education Learning, 171-186.
Preti, Costanza and Welch, Graham F. (2013). Professional identities and motivations of musicians playing in healthcare settings: cross-cultural evidence from UK and Italy. Musicae Scientiae, 17 (4), 359-375. doi: 10.1177/1029864913486664
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Creech, Andrea Rebecca and Welch, Graham (2013). Perceived performance anxiety in advanced musicians specializing in different musical genres. Psychology of Music, 41 (1), 18-41. doi: 10.1177/0305735611408995
Preti, Costanza and Welch, Graham F. (2013). The inherent challenges in creative musical performance in a paediatric hospital setting. Psychology of Music, 41 (5), 647-664. doi: 10.1177/0305735612442976
Preti, Costanza and Welch, Graham F. (2012). The incidental impact of music on hospital staff: an Italian case study. Arts and Health, 4 (2), 135-147. doi: 10.1080/17533015.2012.665371
Yang, Yang, Sundberg, Johan, Welch, Graham and Himonides, Evangelos (2012). The tuning and vocal formant features of Chinese folk song singing: a case study of Hua'er music. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131 (4), 3376-3376. doi: 10.1121/1.4708729
Welch, Graham F. (2012). The arts and humanities, technology and the 'English baccalaureate': STEAM not STEM. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 4 (2-3), 245-250. doi: 10.1386/jmte.4.2-3.245_1
Anderson, Susan, Himonides, Evangelos, Wise, Karen, Welch, Graham and Stewart, Lauren (2012). Is there potential for learning in amusia? A study of the effect of singing intervention in congenital amusia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1252 (1), 345-353. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06404.x
Rinta, Tiija, Purves, Ross, Welch, Graham, Stadler Elmer, Stephanie and Bissig, Raffaela (2011). Connections between children’s feelings of social inclusion and their musical backgrounds. Journal of Social Inclusion, 2 (2), 34-57. doi: 10.36251/josi.32
Preti, Costanza and Welch, Graham F. (2011). Music in a hospital: The impact of a live music program on pediatric patients and their caregivers. Music and Medicine, 3 (4), 213-123. doi: 10.1177/1943862111399449
Ockelford, A., Welch, G., Jewell-Gore, L., Cheng, E., Vogiatzoglou, A. and Himonides, E. (2011). Sounds of intent, phase 2: gauging the music development of children with complex needs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26 (2), 177-199. doi: 10.1080/08856257.2011.563606
Welch, G., Purves, R., Hargreaves, D. and Marshall, N. (2011). Early career challenges in secondary school music teaching. British Educational Research Journal, 37 (2), 285-315. doi: 10.1080/01411921003596903
Vogiatzoglou, Angela, Ockelford, Adam, Welch, Graham and Himonides, Evangelos (2011). Sounds of intent: interactive software to assess the musical development of children and young people with complex needs. Music and Medicine, 3 (3), 189-195. doi: 10.1177/1943862111403628
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Haddon, Elizabeth, Creech, Andrea, Morton, Frances, De Bezenac, Christophe, Himonides, Evangelos, Potter, John, Duffy, Celia, Whyton, Tony and Welch, Graham (2010). Institutional culture and learning II: Inter-relationships between perceptions of the learning environment and undergraduate musicians' attitudes to performance. Music Education Research, 12 (4), 427-446. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2010.520432
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Haddon, Elizabeth, Creech, Andrea, Morton, Frances, De Bezenac, Christophe, Himonides, Evangelos, Potter, John, Duffy, Celia, Whyton, Tony and Welch, Graham (2010). Institutional culture and learning I: Perceptions of the learning environment and musicians' attitudes to learning. Music Education Research, 12 (2), 151-178. doi: 10.1080/14613801003746550
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Creech, Andrea, Haddon, Elizabeth, Morton, Frances, De Bezenac, Christophe, Himonides, Evangelos, Potter, John, Duffy, Celia, Whyton, Tony and Welch, Graham (2010). Perceptions and predictions of expertise in advanced musical learners. Psychology of Music, 38 (1), 31-66. doi: 10.1177/0305735609336044
Rinta, Tiija Elisabet and Welch, Graham F. (2009). Perceptual connections between prepubertal children's voices in their speaking behavior and their singing behavior. Journal of Voice, 23 (6), 677-686. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2008.03.004
Sergeant, Desmond C. and Welch, Graham Frederick (2009). Gender Differences in Long-Term Average Spectra of Children's Singing Voices. Journal of Voice, 23 (3), 319-336. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2007.10.010
Welch, Graham, Ockelford, Adam, Carter, Fern-Chantele, Zimmermann, Sally-Anne and Himonides, Evangelos (2009). 'Sounds of Intent': Mapping musical behaviour and development in children and young people with complex needs. Psychology of Music, 37 (3), 348-370. doi: 10.1177/0305735608099688
Welch, G. F., Himonides, E., Papageorgi, I., Saunders, J., Rinta, T., Stewart, C., Preti, C., Lani, J., Vraka, M. and Hill, J. (2009). The National Singing Programme for primary schools in England: An initial baseline study. Music Education Research, 11 (1), 1-22. doi: 10.1080/14613800802699523
Odena, Oscar and Welch, Graham (2009). A generative model of teachers' thinking on musical creativity. Psychology of Music, 37 (4), 416-442. doi: 10.1177/0305735608100374
Sergeant, Desmond and Welch, Graham Frederick (2008). Age-related changes in long-term average spectra of children's voices. Journal of Voice, 22 (6), 658-670. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2007.03.009
Welch, Graham, Papageorgi, Ioulia, Haddon, Liz, Creecha, A., Morton, Frances, Bézena, C. De, Duffy, Celia, Potter, John, Whyton, Tony and Himonides, Evangelos (2008). Musical genre and gender as factors in higher education learning in music. Research Papers in Education, 23 (2), 203-217. doi: 10.1080/02671520802048752
Creech, Andrea, Papageorgi, Ioulia, Duffy, Celia, Morton, Frances, Haddon, Elizabeth, Potter, John, de Bezenac, Christophe, Whyton, Tony, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham (2008). From music student to professional: The process of transition. British Journal of Music Education, 25 (3), 315-331. doi: 10.1017/S0265051708008127
Rinta, Tiija and Welch, Graham F. (2008). Should Singing Activities Be Included in Speech and Voice Therapy for Prepubertal Children?. Journal of Voice, 22 (1), 100-112. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2006.08.002
Creech, Andrea, Papageorgi, Ioulia, Duffy, Celia, Morton, Frances, Hadden, Elizabeth, Potter, John, De Bezenac, Christophe, Whyton, Tony, Himonides, Evangelos and Welch, Graham (2008). Investigating musical performance: commonality and diversity among classical and non-classical musicians. Music Education Research, 10 (2), 215-234. doi: 10.1080/14613800802079080
Papageorgi, Ioulia, Hallam, Susan and Welch, Graham F. (2007). A conceptual framework for understanding musical performance anxiety. Research Studies in Music Education, 28 (1), 83-107. doi: 10.1177/1321103X070280010207
Welch, Graham F. (2007). Addressing the multifaceted nature of music education: An activity theory research perspective. Research Studies in Music Education, 28 (1), 23-37. doi: 10.1177/1321103X070280010203
Odena, Oscar and Welch, Graham F. (2007). The influence of teachers' backgrounds on their perceptions of musical creativity: A qualitative study with secondary school music teachers. Research Studies in Music Education, 28 (1), 71-81. doi: 10.1177/1321103X070280010206
Hargreaves, David J., Purves, Ross M., Welch, Graham F. and Marshall, Nigel A. (2007). Developing identities and attitudes in musicians and classroom music teachers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77 (3), 665-682. doi: 10.1348/000709906X154676
Howard, David M., Brereton, Jude, Welch, Graham F., Himonides, Evangelos, DeCosta, Michael, Williams, Jenevora and Howard, Andrew W. (2007). Are Real-Time Displays of Benefit in the Singing Studio? An Exploratory Study. Journal of Voice, 21 (1), 20-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2005.10.003
Himonides, Evangelos T. and Welch, Graham F. (2005). Building a bridge between aesthetics and acoustics with new technology: A proposed framework for recording emotional response to sung performance quality. Research Studies in Music Education, 24 (1), 58-73. doi: 10.1177/1321103X050240010501
Welch, Graham F. (2005). Editorial. Research Studies in Music Education, 24 (1), 2-3. doi: 10.1177/1321103X050240011201
Sergeant, Desmond C., Sjölander, Peta J. and Welch, Graham F. (2005). Listeners' identification of gender differences in children's singing. Research Studies in Music Education, 24 (1), 28-39. doi: 10.1177/1321103X050240010301
Purves, Ross, Marshall, Nigel A., Hargreaves, David J. and Welch, Graham (2005). Teaching as a career? Perspectives from undergraduate musicians in England. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education (163), 35-42.
Odena, Oscar, Plummeridge, Charles and Welch, Graham (2005). Towards an understanding of creativity in music education: A qualitative exploration of data from English secondary schools. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education (163), 9-18.
Welch, Graham F. (2005). We are musical. International Journal of Music Education, 23 (2), 117-120. doi: 10.1177/0255761405052404
Williams, Jenevora, Welch, Graham and Howard, David M. (2005). An exploratory baseline study of boy chorister vocal behaviour and development in an intensive professional context. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 30 (3-4), 158-162. doi: 10.1080/14015430500262095
Ockelford, A., Welch, G., Zimmermann, S. and Himonides, E. (2005). 'Sounds of intent': Mapping, assessing and promoting the musical development of children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. International Congress Series, 1282, 898-902. doi: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.04.007
Ockelford, A., Welch, G. and Pring, L. (2005). Musical interests and abilities of children with septo-optic dysplasia. International Congress Series, 1282, 894-897. doi: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.04.006
Howard, David M., Welch, Graham F., Bereton, Jude, Himonides, Evangelos, DeCosta, Michael, Williams, Jenevora and Howard, Andrew W. (2004). WinSingad: A real-time display for the singing studio. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 29 (3), 135-144. doi: 10.1080/14015430410000728
Welch, Graham (2004). Editorial. Psychology of Music, 32 (3), 237-238. doi: 10.1177/0305735604043256
Hallam, Susan and Welch, Graham (2004). Foreword. Psychology of Music, 32 (3), xi-xiv. doi: 10.1177/0305735604043255
Welch, Graham, Hallam, Susan, Lamont, Alexandra, Swanwick, Keith, Green, Lucy, Hennessy, Sarah, Cox, Gordon, O'neill, Susan and Farrell, Gerry (2004). Mapping Music Education Research in the UK. Psychology of Music, 32 (3), 239-290. doi: 10.1177/0305735604043257
Welch, G (2004). The problem with AI. Computer, 37 (1), 6-6.
Welch, Graham F. and Howard, David M. (2002). Gendered voice in the cathedral choir. Psychology of Music, 30 (1), 102-120. doi: 10.1177/0305735602301008
Welch, Graham F. (2000). The ontogenesis of musical behaviour: A sociological perspective. Research Studies in Music Education, 14 (1), 1-13. doi: 10.1177/1321103X0001400101
Welch, Graham F. (1998). Early childhood musical development. Research Studies in Music Education, 11 (1), 27-41. doi: 10.1177/1321103X9801100104
Welch, Graham F., Sergeant, Desmond C. and White, Peta J. (1998). The role of linguistic dominance in the acquisition of song. Research Studies in Music Education, 10 (1), 67-74. doi: 10.1177/1321103X9801000106
Welch, G, Chick, SE and Koopman, J (1998). Effect of concurrent partnerships and sex-act rate on gonorrhea prevalence. Simulation, 71 (4), 242-249. doi: 10.1177/003754979807100404
Cooksey, John M. and Welch, Graham F. (1998). Adolescence, Singing Development and National Curricula Design. British Journal of Music Education, 15 (1), 99-119. doi: 10.1017/s026505170000379x
White, P. J., Sergeant, D. C. and Welch, G. F. (1996). Some observations on the singing development of five-year-olds. Early Child Development and Care, 118 (1), 27-34. doi: 10.1080/0300443961180103
Welch, Graham F. (1994). The Assessment of Singing. Psychology of Music, 22 (1), 3-19. doi: 10.1177/0305735694221001
Howard, David M. and Welch, Graham F. (1993). Visual displays for the assessment of vocal pitch matching development. Applied Acoustics, 39 (4), 235-252. doi: 10.1016/0003-682X(93)90008-T
Welch, Graham F. (1992). When will they ever learn? trends and issues in initial teacher education in the united kingdom. Teacher Educator, 27 (4), 33-46. doi: 10.1080/08878739209555014
Welch, Graham F., Rush, Christine and Howard, David M. (1991). A developmental continuum of singing ability: Evidence from a study of five-year-old developing singers. Early Child Development and Care, 69 (1), 107-119. doi: 10.1080/0300443910690111
Howard, David M. and Welch, Graham F. (1989). Microcomputer-based singing ability assessment and development. Applied Acoustics, 27 (2), 89-102. doi: 10.1016/0003-682X(89)90002-9
Welch, Graham F., Howard, D. M. and Rush, C. (1989). Real-time Visual Feedback in the Development of Vocal Pitch Accuracy in Singing. Psychology of Music, 17 (2), 146-157. doi: 10.1177/0305735689172005
Welch, G. F., Sergeant, D. C. and MacCurtain, F. (1989). Xeroradiographic-electrolaryngographic analysis of male vocal registers. Journal of Voice, 3 (3), 244-256. doi: 10.1016/S0892-1997(89)80006-2
Welch, Graham F (1988). Observations on the incidence of absolute pitch (AP) ability in the early blind. Psychology of Music, 16 (1), 77-80. doi: 10.1177/0305735688161009
Welch, G. F., Sergeant, D. C. and MacCurtain, F. (1988). Some physical characteristics of the male falsetto voice. Journal of Voice, 2 (2), 151-163. doi: 10.1016/S0892-1997(88)80071-7
Shipp, Thomas, Lindestad, Per-Aka, MacCurtain, Frances, Walker, John S. and Welch, Graham F. (1988). Whistle register and falsetto voice. Journal of Voice, 2 (2), 164-167. doi: 10.1016/S0892-1997(88)80072-9
Welch, Graham F. (1986). A Developmental View of Children's Singing. British Journal of Music Education, 3 (3), 295-303. doi: 10.1017/S0265051700000802
Welch, Graham F. (1985). A schema theory of how children learn to sing in tune. Psychology of Music, 13 (1), 3-18. doi: 10.1177/0305735685131001
Welch, Graham F. (1979). Poor pitch singing: A review of the literature. Psychology of Music, 7 (1), 50-58. doi: 10.1177/030573567971006
Welch, Graham F. (1979). Vocal range and poor pitch singing. Psychology of Music, 7 (2), 13-31. doi: 10.1177/030573567972002
Conference Papers
Wandel, S., Welch, G., Robinson, J. S., Fry, A. R. and Coslovich, G. (2017). Development and Application of Ultrashort Mid-infrared Pulses for Pump-Probe Experiments at the LCLS. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose Ca, May 14-19, 2017. NEW YORK: IEEE.
Fredrikson, Maija, Welch, Graham, Porras, Jari, Paananen, Pirkko, Read, Janet C, Elmer, Stefanie Stadler, Heikkinen, Kari, Myllykoski, Mikko, Hedberg, Henrik, Iivari, Netta and Mazzano, Emanuela (2009). Music as an enabler for social inclusion and provision - The UMSIC approach. 10th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, Florence Italy, Aug 28, 2009. AMSTERDAM: IOS PRESS. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-042-1-622
Purves, R, Marshall, NA, Hargreaves, DJ and Welch, G (2005). Teaching as a career? Perspectives from undergraduate musicians in England. 20th ISME Research Seminar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain, Jul, 2004. URBANA: COUNCIL RES IN MUSIC EDUCATION.
Odena, O, Plummeridge, C and Welch, G (2005). Towards an understanding of creativity in music education: A qualitative exploration of data from English secondary schools. 20th ISME Research Seminar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain, Jul, 2004. CHAMPAIGN: UNIV ILLINOIS PRESS.
Welch, G, Yang, RG, Cairns, B, Towles, H, State, A, Ilie, A, Becker, S, Russo, D, Funaro, J, Sonnenwald, D, Mayer-Patel, K, Allen, BD, Yang, H, Freid, E, van Dam, A and Fuchs, H (2005). 3D telepresence for off-line surgical training and on-line remote consultation. 2nd CREST Symposium on Telecommunication, Teleimmersion and Telexistence, Tokyo Japan, Dec 09-10, 2004. TOKYO: OHMSHA LTD.
Van Dam, A, Fuchs, H, Becker, S, Spalter, AM, Yang, RG and Welch, G (2003). Immersive electronic books for teaching surgical procedures. CREST Symposium on Telecommunication, Teleimmersion and Telexistence, Tokyo Japan, Dec 03, 2002. TOKYO: OHMSHA LTD.
Majumder, A and Welch, G (2001). Computer Graphics Optique - Optical superposition of projected computer graphics. 5th Immersive Projection Technology/7th EUROGRAPHICS Virtual Environments Workshop, Stuttgart Germany, May 16-18, 2001. VIENNA: SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN.
Raskar, R, Welch, G, Low, KL and Bandyopadhyay, D (2001). Shader lamps: Animating real objects with image-based illumination. 12th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques, London England, Jun 25-27, 2001. VIENNA: SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN.
Howard, DM, Barlow, C, Szymanski, J and Welch, GF (2000). Vocal production and listener perception of trained English cathedral girl and boy choristers. 18th ISME International Research Seminar, Salt Lake City Utah, Jul 08-14, 2000. URBANA: C R M E-COUNCIL RES MUSIC EDUC.
Welch, Graham F. (1999). Education and musical improvisation: In response to Keith Sawyer. SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.1177/0305735699272012
Azuma, RT, Hoff, BR, Neely, HE, Sarfaty, R, Daily, MJ, Bishop, G, Vicci, L, Welch, G, Neumann, U, You, SY, Nichols, R and Cannon, J (1999). Making augmented reality work outdoors requires hybrid tracking. International Workshop on Augmented Reality 1998 Held in Conjunction with the Annual Conference on User Interface Software Technology, San Francisco Ca, Nov 01, 1998. WELLESLEY: A K PETERS, LTD.
Raskar, R, Welch, G and Fuchs, H (1998). Seamless projection overlaps using image warping and intensity blending. 4th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM 98)_- FutureFusion, Real Applications for the Virtual Age, Gifu Japan, Nov 18-20, 1998. AMSTERDAM: I O S PRESS.
Bajcsy, R, Kamberova, G, Enciso, R, Nocera, L, Fuchs, H, Welch, G and Sara, R (1998). Three-dimensional reconstruction from a set of video cameras of environments for virtual collaboration. International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Vision (SIBGRAPI 98), Rio Janeiro Brazil, Oct 20-23, 1998. LOS ALAMITOS: IEEE COMPUTER SOC. doi: 10.1109/SIBGRA.1998.722730
WELCH, GF and WHITE, P (1994). THE DEVELOPING VOICE, EDUCATION AND VOCAL EFFICIENCY - A PHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE. 14th International Research Seminar of the International-Society-for-Music-Education, Nagoya Japan, Jul 18-24, 1992. URBANA: C R M E-COUNCIL RES MUSIC EDUC.