The UQ Saxophone Ensemble is a collaborative ensemble comprised of School of Music students, UQ students, and talented high school students from the local community and is led by internationally-recognised saxophonist, Dr Emma Di Marco. The UQSE performs a wide variety of repertoire from Baroque transcriptions through to newly commissioned Australian music. The ensemble offers collaborative learning and performing in a supportive environment and aims to enhance student's technical and musical skills on the saxophone as well as providing instruction in contemporary techniques. Whether pursuing a music career or nurturing their love for saxophone, this vibrant community empowers saxophonists for lifelong engagement with music.

Sax Spectacular is a program celebrating the unique and exciting instrument that is the saxophone and showcases the talented members of this ensemble. The program includes favourites from the classical saxophone canon including Milhaud's Scaramouche suite for saxophone soloists (Jonathan Sayer and Ethan Henke) with saxophone ensemble as well as new Australian compositions such as Chimera by Brisbane-based composer Andrew Ball. With a variety of musical items from full ensemble pieces to featured solos from the group, this concert promises to have something for every musical taste.

About 2024 Spring Free Lunchtime Concerts Brisbane

Spring 2024 is free music every Tuesday at The Salvation Army Brisbane City Temple in the months of September and October.


167 Ann Street, Brisbane City
Salvation Army, Brisbane City Temple

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