The 2024 School of Music Research Symposium invites students and staff to discuss the themes 'Music and Innovation'. The event features presentations, lightning talks and posters. Keynote speakers include Emery Schubert and Eloise Doherty. 

Research Symposium Schedule

  1. Attendence
  2. Call for Papers
  3. Keynote Speakers
  4. Interactive Panel Discussion
  5. Abstract Submissions
  6. Symposium Assistants
  7. Symposium Organising Committee


The School warmly invites the public and UQ staff to attend the 2024 Research Symposium. This symposium will feature presentations, lightning talks and poster sessions.

Join us for an inspiring day of discussion and exploration of cutting-edge research in music. Registration is required to attend the symposium. For details on parking at UQ, please visit this webpage.

We look forward to your participation in this enriching event.

Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce that the School of Music Research Symposium 2024 will take place on Wednesday 11th September. This conference is intended to engage research students (PhD, MPhil, Honours), undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, and staff in the discussion and exchange of ideas around the theme: Music and Innovation. The conference theme is intentionally broad to represent the rich and diverse field of music research and encourage a variety of perspectives, including musicology and music theory, psychology of music, practice-based and practice-led approaches, music education, performance, and composition. Topics may include:

  • Music and innovation in composition
  • Music and innovation in performance
  • Music and innovative interdisciplinary boundary crossing
  • Innovations linking composer and performer/listener/theorist
  • Innovation in teaching and learning of music
  • Musical representations of innovations
  • Perceptual, cognitive, wellbeing and social aspects of music and innovation
  • Music – industry – career innovations

We invite abstracts of 100-200 words presentations in the following formats:

  1. Oral presentations/performance or lecture-recitals (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
  2. Lightning talks (5 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
  3. Posters (A0 size poster outlining your research to be shown in a gallery in a dedicated poster session in the symposium schedule; multimedia can be added in the space)

When making your abstract submission, please indicate the order of your preference (1, 2, and 3) for the three presentation formats listed.

Please include up to 5 keywords to assist with the categorisation of your research area. This will aid us in organising the schedule of papers.

Keynote Speakers

Emery Schubert

Emery Schubert is a Professor in Music at UNSW Australia. Among his over 200 peer reviewed publications, he has contributed book chapters for the OUP volumes ‘Emotion in Music’, as well as co-editing a volume on 'Expressiveness in Music Performance’ also published by OUP. He is a foundation member of the Australian Music and Psychology Society (AMPS), having served as Secretary and President and he cofounded the Empirical Musicology Laboratory at UNSW. He is or has been on the editorial board for nearly all the major international music psychology journals. His research specializes in the continuous response, wellbeing and the psychology of emotion and aesthetics in music.

Eloise Doherty

Dr Eloise Doherty holds a PhD and Master of Audiology Studies from The University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Music with Honours in flute performance from The Elder Conservatorium of Music. Eloise’s research explores the links between music education and auditory processing for children with hearing loss, applying novel research methodologies to explore both outcomes and experience. Eloise has also taught across a range of disciplines including psychology of music, clinical audiology, and research methods, as well as practicing audiology clinically. She currently works as a Lecturer in Audiology at Flinders University where she teaches foundation sciences, clinical theory, and professional skills.

Interactive Panel Discussion

Information to be released soon. 

Abstract Submissions

information to be released soon.

Symposium Assistants

We also invite student involvement as conference assistants; gain professional experience in the behind-the-scenes running of events and contribute to the success of the symposium. Please contact either Sarah Maher ( or Jacinta Wang ( if you would like to participate.

Symposium Organising Committee

Dr Mary Broughton, A/Prof Denis Collins, A/Prof Julie Ballantyne, Dr Anne Levitsky, Ms Sarah Maher, Ms Jacinta Wang, A/Prof Eve Klein, Prof Liam Viney


About Research Symposiums

The University of Queensland's School of Music hosts research symposiums that engage staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Level 4, UQ School of Music, Zelman Cowen Building, St Lucia
Nickson Room