The University of Queensland School of Music is strengthening its links with New York University's Steinhardt School of Music.
Building on connections established at the 2015 NYU Winter Strings conference, violinist Stefanos Melas came from New York to study a PhD in performance at UQ, after completing his Master of Music degree at NYU.
“I wanted to travel overseas for doctoral studies,” said Stefanos.
“Stephanie Baer at NYU recommended I go to UQ, because studying at a top 100 research university was important to me, and I wanted to stay in that calibre of institution.”
“A PhD in performance is a unique and distinctive program internationally, which was a huge draw.”
UQ staff and students have been invited back to attend the 2016 NYU Winter Strings Conference for Violinists, Violists, and Cellists, from 4 to 8 January 2016.
Professor Patricia Pollett, Patrick Murphy, and Associate Professor Adam Chalabi, accompanied by over a dozen undergraduate and postgraduate students will be performing and delivering masterclasses at the conference.
In 2015 the School of Music sent seven undergraduate and postgraduate music students to the conference.
UQ School of Music Director of Performance Professor Patricia Pollett said participation in the conferences pays off.
“We’ve developed a very strong presence at these conferences,” Professor Pollett said.
“We now have a reputation as an international destination for music performance and research.”